Monografia a stampa Monografia a stampa

3: Including Corinna, Bacchylides, Timotheus, The anonymous fragments, The folk-songs and the scolia, with an account of greek liric poetry

Cambridge : Harvard, ; London : Heinemann, 1959
Campo Valore
Descrizione 3: Including Corinna, Bacchylides, Timotheus, The anonymous fragments, The folk-songs and the scolia, with an account of greek liric poetry . - Revised and augmented edition. - Cambridge : Harvard, ; London : Heinemann, 1959. - XII, 419, 8 p. : ill. ; 17 cm. - (The Loeb classical library ; 144)
Testo originale a fronte.
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Sezione antica SP63451 Sala consultazione Guarneriana Guarneriana Antica - Sala Consiliare 884.0108 LYR 3 Sola consultazione A scaffale Nessuna